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Genesys Setup


Prerequisite: Genesys Requirement

1. Setup Genesys Web Messenger

  1. Sign up for a free trial of Genesys Cloud CX at this link. This trial will last for 14 days.
  2. Once Genesys Cloud CX is running, configure the web messenger following these steps:
    1. Click Admin.
    2. Under Message, click Messenger Configurations.
    3. Enter a name and description for your web messenger.
    4. In the Appearance tab, select Hide for Set your Launcher Button Visibility and select Off for the User Interface.
    5. The other settings are optional for basic set up. Once you have looked over all the options, click Save New Version.
  3. Once your web messenger is configured, deploy the messenger following these steps:
    1. Click Admin.
    2. Under Message, click Messenger Deployments.
    3. Click New Deployment.
    4. Enter a name and description.
    5. Set the Status to Active.
    6. Under Select your Configuration click Select Configuration and select the verision of web messenger that you configured in the previous section.
    7. Under Restrrict domain access select Allow all domains for testing and development purposes.
    8. Click Save. The Messenger Deployments page now displays your deployed messenger which you can click to access the deployment script which will be used in the next section to integrate with Watson Assistant.

2. Connect Genesys to Watson Assistant


Prerequisite: Webchat Interface

Note: The Genesys SDK does not work if launched from a local HTML file opened directly in your browser (using file://). It needs to be served from a server (which can be localhost) over HTTP. You can use http-server if you need a simple local server for testing purposes.

Congfigure HTML File for Genesys

  1. Get the script URL, environment, and deployment ID values from the Mesenger Deployments page on Genesys and have them ready to add to the Watson Assistant Embed Script.
  2. Follow the sample script which shows how to enable the Genesys integration at this link.
    1. The serviceDesk portion of the script enables the Genesys integration. Simply add those values to where you have the Watson Assistant Embed script written out. Shown Below.
          window.watsonAssistantChatOptions = {
      showRestartButton: true, //Optional
      integrationID: "[instance instegraionID]", //From embed details of Assistant
      region: "aws-us-east-1", //From embed details of Assistant
      serviceInstanceID: "[service instanceID]", //From embed details of Assistant

      serviceDesk: {
      integrationType: 'genesyswebmessenger',
      genesysMessenger: {
      scriptURL: '[URL]',//Provided by Genesys console
      deploymentID: '[DEPLOYMENT ID]', //Provided by Genesys console
      environment: '[ENVIRONMENT]', //Provided by Genesys console

      onLoad: async (instance) => { await instance.render(); }
      const t=document.createElement('script');
      t.src="" + (window.watsonAssistantChatOptions.clientVersion || 'latest') + "/WatsonAssistantChatEntry.js";

Configure Bot Connector in Assistant

  1. Navigate to the Assistant side bar and select "Integrations"
  2. Within the "Channels" section select "Genesys Bot Connector"
  3. Select the appropriate environment
  4. Fill out the necessary credentials from the Genesys Console

3. Using Genesys Live Agent

  1. Log in to your Genesys trial account and toggle the Off Queue option in the top right to become On Queue.
  2. Open your Watson Assistant that has been integrated with Genesys (over HTTP not on the UI or local HTML file) and follow action to connect to live agent.
  3. Once you have clicked Connect to Live Agent go back to the Genesys account and you should see an incoming message which you can accept or decline. Click Accept and now you are able to communicate with a live customer using your Watson Assistant instance.
