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Log - Sprint 13 ๐Ÿ›ซ

ยท One min read

Work In Progressโ€‹

  • The team speculated that the DNS was not resolving and it could be a potential issue with AWS. The Customer said he would go back and work with his team on the issue.
  • Our team would collaborate closely with the DEV team to effectively address and strategize the implementation of a KMS solution.

Completed Todayโ€‹

  • The team checked and validated the network policies.
  • Curl attempt was made to RDS, but it could not resolve host.

Issues & Challengesโ€‹

  • The team was troubleshooting a connection to the RDS Database. Does not appear that any changes were applied that would cause this problem and the connection problem started recently.
  • After some discussion, the team learned that KMS is mandatory for all S3 buckets within the clients environment.
