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Β· One min read

Work in Progress​

Currently Tracking​

  • The client is continuing to work with his team to implement and test the S3 cross account solution.

  • The client and his team will test the mainframe to SFG solution.

  • The team is pausing upcoming sessions until further notice.

  • Cases open: 0

  • Cases closed: 8

    • Case TS013942206
    • Case TS013825812
    • Case TS013430052
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#10

  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "09/05/2023 Documentation"

Β· One min read

Work in Progress​

  • Today the team was able to resolve the AWS credentials error. It appears restarting the pod resolved the issue. The team was able to push a file from S3 to a mainframe and complete the use case.

Currently Tracking​

  • The customer is continuing to work with his team to implement and test the S3 cross account solution.
  • The team discussed upcoming use cases such as SFTP get then route S3, CD z/OS push 150GB file to S3, and S3 Get 150GB file push to CD z/OS.
  • The team is planning to have members from the mainframe team on Wednesday (8/30) session.

Next Steps​

  • The team will continue to move forward and complete new use cases.
  • Cases open: 0
  • Cases closed: 8
    • Case TS013942206
    • Case TS013825812
    • Case TS013430052
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#10
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "08/25/2023 Documentation"

Β· One min read

Work in Progress​

  • Today the team began working on the use case that involves getting files from s3 and pushing to a mailbox.
  • The team ran into an AWS permission error during this use case and the team began to troubleshoot the issue.

Currently Tracking​

  • The customer is continuing to work with his team to implement and test the S3 solution.
  • We have closed ticket TS013942206 that dealt with this "Sterling Connect Direct unable to locate local server" error.

Next Steps​

  • The team will continue to move forward and complete new use cases.
  • Cases open: 0
  • Cases closed: 8
    • Case TS013942206
    • Case TS013825812
    • Case TS013430052
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#10
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "08/25/2023 Documentation"

Β· 2 min read

Work in Progress​

  • Today the team briefly discussed the KMS S3 cross account use case and gave some clarity on its implementation.
  • During the last session, the team was encountering a "Sterling Connect Direct unable to locate local server" error and we inferred that this was due to the C:D adapter being in a stopped state. So, we went into this session with the intention of troubleshooting the adapter. However, the adapter was in an "enabled" state and we were able to use it as normal. The team checked the pod and noticed that the pod recently restarted before our session. The team speculated that the pod restarting resolved the adapter issue.
  • The team then continued with the previous mainframe use case and the team was able to push to the mainframe and complete the use case.

Currently Tracking​

  • The customer is continuing to work with his team to implement and test the S3 solution.
  • We have closed ticket TS013942206 that dealt with this "Sterling Connect Direct unable to locate local server" error.

Next Steps​

  • The team will continue to move forward and complete new use cases.
  • Cases open: 0
  • Cases closed: 8
    • Case TS013942206
    • Case TS013825812
    • Case TS013430052
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#10
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "08/25/2023 Documentation"

Β· One min read

Work in Progress​

Currently Tracking​

  • The customer will work with his team to implement and test the S3 solution.
  • The team is continuing to work with the support team on the Connect Direct adapter issue.

Next Steps​

  • Customer will give us feedback on his team's implementation of the s3 cross account solution.
  • We will continue to troubleshoot the Connect Direct adapter issue.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013942206
  • Cases closed: 7
    • Case TS013825812
    • Case TS013430052
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#21
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "08/25/2023 Documentation"

Β· 2 min read

Work in Progress​

  • During the meeting, the team focused on addressing an error related to a mainframe use case. The initial steps involved utilizing an existing SFTP CD Partner. After updating the partner password and successfully logging in, an attempt was made to send a file through the SFTP Server, resulting in a failed status.
  • The error message indicated route failures and lack of delivery plans, prompting a closer look at individual routes for insights into the failures. Examination of the "Sub-Process Detail" highlighted an issue with locating the local server in Sterling Connect Direct.
  • To troubleshoot further, the team accessed the B2Bi console, navigating to Deployment -> Configuration to review the service configuration. The team made changes to the ekscd1 adapter, changing the group from CDGROUP1 to NONE. Despite these efforts, the file upload error persisted. The team turned to the Operations -> System -> logs section and examined the cdinterop.log. A new partner creation attempt yielded an unexpected "Failure" message, followed by unsuccessful attempts to stop, restart, and start the adapter again.
  • Suspecting that the adapter's stoppage might be the root cause of the local node recognition issue, the team disabled the previous adapter and generated a copy. However, this new adapter encountered similar start-up problems and remained non-operational.

Currently Tracking​

  • The team opened a support ticket on this issue. The ticket number is TS013942206

Next Steps​

  • The team will work closely with the support team to begin to trouble shoot the issue.
  • If possible the team will try and replicate the issue in our environment.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013942206
  • Cases closed: 7
    • Case TS013825812
    • Case TS013430052
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#10
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "08/18/2023 Documentation"

Β· One min read

Work in Progress​

  • The team was able to resolve the issue that blocked newly created SFTP partners from connecting to the SFTP server.
  • The setting in the SFTP adapter "Should the adapter be restricted to a certain group of users" was set to "yes" and this was causing the connection issue.
  • The team setup new SFTP partners and were able to push files to the SFTP server and complete the SFTP use case.

Currently Tracking​

  • The team is preparing to move forward with the mainframe use case.

Next Steps​

  • We are closing out the case TS013825812 since the issue has been resolved.
  • The customer said they would reach out to the mainframe team and see if they could join tomorrow’s call.
  • Team is preparing to move forward with the S3 Cross account use case Monday.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013825812
  • Cases closed: 6
    • Case TS013430052
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#12
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "08/18/2023 Documentation"

Β· One min read

Work In Progress​

  • Today we had another meeting with the support team and demoed the issue.
  • After investigation the team determined that a setting in the SFTP adapter was blocking subsequent users and partners from connecting.
  • We suspect the issue is "Should the adapter be restricted to a certain group of users" is set to yes.


  • We are going to alter this setting in the customer's environment and this should resolve the issue.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013825812
  • Cases closed: 6
    • Case TS013430052
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#12
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "08/18/2023 Documentation"

Β· One min read

Work In Progress​

  • Today we spoke with the support team regarding the SFTP access issue.
  • We gave them information on our current status and deep dived into the ongoing issue.
  • After the call the team worked within our reference environment and we were able to replicate the issue.


  • Now that we have the issue replicated in our environment, we can reconvene and show the support team a demo of the issue.
  • We will meet again with the support team and continue to work with them to troubleshoot this SFTP access issue.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013825812
  • Cases closed: 6
    • Case TS013430052
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#12
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "08/11/2023 Documentation"

Β· 2 min read

Work In Progress​

  • We continued to troubleshoot the SFTP Access issue. We began by verifying the ASI pod was up and running.
  • We then moved back to troubleshooting the SFTP access issue. We first created a new partner to rule out any issues cause by improper configuration during the previous partner setup. The configuration was copied from the preexisting working partner. However issues still persisted on the newly created partner.
  • We then tried a number of troubleshooting methods in the B2Bi dashboard such as creating a new user, inspecting group policies, community policies, and we checked the logs.
  • It seemed that the logs stated "Authentication Successful". However, the issue still persisted and was not resolved during the session.


  • We are going to try and get the support team on a call so they can see the problem first hand and will continue to work with them to troubleshoot this SFTP access issue.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013825812
  • Cases closed: 6
    • Case TS013430052
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#12
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "08/11/2023 Documentation"