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Log - Sprint 31 🛫

· One min read

Work In Progress

  • Today the team discussed the role and policy associated with the Service Account and the OIDC.
  • We discussed the changes that were made to the policy and the trust relationship that enabled the AWS CLI image and B2Bi to have S3 access.
  • The team was able to push a file to S3 from Sterling B2Bi and decided to try to work through other use cases.
  • The team did encounter a “Connection Refused” error. The pod endpoints are not being propagated to the backend load balancer service and the Team is investigating.


  • We will continue to examine the changes that were made that enabled the S3 connection and begin an RCA.
  • The team will continue to troubleshoot and investigate the error.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013430052
  • Cases closed: 5
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#17
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "07/17/2023 Documentation".