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Log - Sprint 36 ๐Ÿ›ซ

ยท 2 min read

Work In Progressโ€‹

  • We continued to troubleshoot the SFTP Access issue. We began by verifying the ASI pod was up and running.
  • We then moved back to troubleshooting the SFTP access issue. We first created a new partner to rule out any issues cause by improper configuration during the previous partner setup. The configuration was copied from the preexisting working partner. However issues still persisted on the newly created partner.
  • We then tried a number of troubleshooting methods in the B2Bi dashboard such as creating a new user, inspecting group policies, community policies, and we checked the logs.
  • It seemed that the logs stated "Authentication Successful". However, the issue still persisted and was not resolved during the session.


  • We are going to try and get the support team on a call so they can see the problem first hand and will continue to work with them to troubleshoot this SFTP access issue.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013825812
  • Cases closed: 6
    • Case TS013430052
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#12
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "08/11/2023 Documentation"