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Update serviceInstanceID and integrationID to connect to Watson Assistant

  • In Watson Assistant, navigate to Integrations, and click "Open" for Web Chat, click "Confirm".
  • Navigate to Embed tab and find the IDs for the following changes
    • Use serviceInstanceID in demoConstants.ts. Change the serviceInstanceID for const DEMO_ASSISTANT
    • Use integrationID in enviornmentVariables.ts. Change the DEMO_ASSISTANT_INTEGRATION_ID for case EnvironmentType.DEVELOPMENT

Steps to Deployment

  • In IBM Cloud, initiate a Kubernetes Services
    • VPC
  • In Kubernetes Services, Create a Namespace and Ingress
    • Create a Namespace, e.g. watson-assistant-<clinent-name>
    • Ingress is a outside connection that takes you inside to a pod or a service
    • Ingress is like a load balancer and where we map DNS entry to URL, and will forward any matching
  • URL and SSL certificate
    • Create a link in a domain that you own
    • Attach the SSL Certificate
      • note: the certificate should be good for 90 days
    • Export the certificate as a secret into the Kubernetes Cluster
  • Build Docker File
  • Configure Github Repo hosting
  • Build CI/CD Pipeline (Travis, Github Actions,...)
    • Travis File
    • set branches