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Log - Sprint 3 ๐Ÿ›ซ

ยท One min read

Work in Progressโ€‹

  • Continue working on the task to calculate which % of IT helpdesk requests can be handled by our proposed solution.
  • We developed the end-to-end pipeline with the following components and tested on 1000 example data
    • Keywords extraction using WatsonX models
      • IT helpdesk requests
      • knowledgebase resources
    • Question Generation using WatsonX
      • generate questions that the knowledgebase could answer for
    • Similarity Analysis
      • Leveraged spacy packages to tokenize keywords and calculate the cosine similarity score between each IT helpdesk requests and all knowledgebase keywords

Currently Trackingโ€‹

  • The team is working on pushing solution documentation to GitHub.

Next Stepsโ€‹

  • The team will continue to work through the use cases and scale the usecase