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  • 2 reachable hosts that the servers will run on
  • 2 Aspera License with sync for each server
    • /resources/ansible/roles/configure-aspera/files/AsperaEnterprise-license-primary
    • /resources/ansible/roles/configure-aspera/files/AsperaEnterprise-license-secondary
  • An install of ibm-aspera-hsts binary to be installed for the servers
    • /resources/ansible/roles/install-aspera/files/ibm-aspera-hsts-

Optional: Running Solution locally using Virtual Machines, Vagrant

You are able to create the provided solution locally using VMs. HashiCorp Vagrant is used to simplify this step, run the following command below within the vagrant directory to provision 2 virtual machines. Assuming Vagrant is installed and configured properly.

  • hosts public key are required to be in the vagrant directory and called This will allow you to ssh into the provisioned machines.
vagrant up

Update the playbook configurations as needed to suit your environment