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Log - Sprint 10 ๐Ÿ›ซ

ยท One min read

Work In Progressโ€‹

  • Because of the specifications of the customer's environment, it might be necessary to access the S3 bucket through a VPC Endpoint. The team is investigating the implementation of VPC Endpoints in the Business Process.

Completed Todayโ€‹

  • A Business Process was created for the customer's S3 bucket.

Issues & Challengesโ€‹

  • Startup Probe threshold was already updated in the STS for the ASI server pod. However, the ASI server pod had to be scaled up and down in order to start the pod.
  • There was an attempt to push a file to the customer's S3 bucket. This was unsuccessful and team suspected that the S3 bucket needed to be accessed through a VPC Endpoint.

Additional Notesโ€‹

  • There was a question about multiple mainframes that went through a different bucket for each, would there have to be a Business Process created for each or could it be done in one Process.
