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Log - Sprint 11 ๐Ÿ›ซ

ยท One min read

Work In Progressโ€‹

  • Investigating VPC S3 endpoint notation for the AWSS3Put business process.

Completed Todayโ€‹

  • Edited S3 business process and added AWS region.
  • Checked logs for previous S3 upload attempts.

Issues & Challengesโ€‹

  • After the S3 Business Process was edited, another attempt was made to push a file to S3.

Additional Notesโ€‹

Team followed up on a question from the previous session:

  • The question presents a scenario with three mainframe connections that need to be routed to three different buckets. The team suggested an approach using File Gateway to streamline the configuration. It recommends creating three producer partners (MF1, MF2, MF3) and three consumer partners (S3_1, S3_2, S3_3) for listening connections using the S3 protocol. Three routing channels are then created, each using a template to connect a specific mainframe producer to its corresponding S3 consumer.

Q. Customer had a question about the location of files uploaded with Connect:Direct
