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45 posts tagged with "log"

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· 2 min read

Work In Progress​

  • We continued to troubleshoot the SFTP Access issue. We began by trying to isolate the issue. We wanted to make sure WinSCP client wasn't causing any issues. So we made the customer try and connect using the command line. We got the same result where one partner connected and the new one didn't.
  • The customer showed us his passwords that hes using and they were identical except he added an extra number. So the password shouldn't be causing the issue.
  • We tried to edit the partner in the B2bi console however the ASI Pod was constantly restarting. After inspecting the logs we increased the startup probe timeout to 30. Due to the length of the startup when loading the jar files, we will check the status of the pod in tomorrow's session.


  • We will verify if increasing the startup probe timeout resolved the ASI pod restarting.

  • We will continue to look into the SFTP authentication issue and continue to troubleshoot in our next session.

  • Cases open: 1

    • Case TS013825812
  • Cases closed: 6

    • Case TS013430052
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#12

  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "08/11/2023 Documentation"

· 2 min read


Work In Progress​

  • The team began to work on the SFTP use case.
  • The first thing the team tried was "Obtain Remote Key" through the B2Bi Console. However they were unable to connect to the remote host. We then checked the ingress to make sure the policies allowed the connection and after some inspection we determine that there should be no policies blocking the connection.
  • The customer reiterated that they were trying to configure a 1 to 1 relationship between an SFTP server and a specific mailbox. Since we could not connect to the second SFTP server, we decided to move forward using one SFTP server. We then created a new Remote Profile to accommodate this.
  • We then created a new partner producer and consumer and verified the group, added a template to it, and created a channel. We then tried to test the connection and we were getting an "Access Denied". We then tried to connect with an preexisting partner and it was able to connect to the SFTP server.
  • We tried many troubleshooting methods but were unable to resolve the issue during the session.


  • We will continue to look into the SFTP authentication issue and continue to troubleshoot in our next session.
  • The team also opened a new support ticket TS013430052 on the the issue.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013825812
  • Cases closed: 6
    • Case TS013430052
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#12
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "08/11/2023 Documentation".

· One min read

Work In Progress​

  • The team discussed issues related to connecting to S3 buckets across different AWS accounts.
  • The team was not able to connect to a new S3 bucket using SFG, even though the configuration was set up similar to a working bucket.
  • The team discussed the need to research AWS documentation regarding cross-account connectivity and chained assume role operations.


  • The team planned to continue to investigate why SFG was not working with the new bucket and how to configure it to access multiple buckets in different accounts.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013430052
  • Cases closed: 5
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#17
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "07/20/2023 Documentation".

· One min read

Work In Progress​

  • Today the team discussed the backend load balancer, and it was able to connect to the service.
  • The team created a producer/consumer within B2Bi and we were able to push a file to an S3 bucket.
  • The team discussed further use cases and plans on how to move forward.


  • The Customer said he would get with his team to discuss the current progress and discuss other use cases.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013430052
  • Cases closed: 5
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#17
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "07/20/2023 Documentation".

· One min read

Work In Progress​

  • Today the team discussed the role and policy associated with the Service Account and the OIDC.
  • We discussed the changes that were made to the policy and the trust relationship that enabled the AWS CLI image and B2Bi to have S3 access.
  • The team was able to push a file to S3 from Sterling B2Bi and decided to try to work through other use cases.
  • The team did encounter a “Connection Refused” error. The pod endpoints are not being propagated to the backend load balancer service and the Team is investigating.


  • We will continue to examine the changes that were made that enabled the S3 connection and begin an RCA.
  • The team will continue to troubleshoot and investigate the error.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013430052
  • Cases closed: 5
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#17
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "07/17/2023 Documentation".

· One min read

Work In Progress​

  • Today the team discussed the role and policy associated with the Service Account and the OIDC.
  • We discussed the changes that were made to the policy and examined the pod and s3 bucket.


  • We will continue to examine the changes that were made to the policy and Customer's environment
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013430052
  • Cases closed: 5
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#17
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "07/17/2023 Documentation".

· One min read

Work In Progress​

  • Today the team discussed the OIDC and the new error that occurred after the OIDC was setup in the correct AWS account.
  • There was an “Access Denied when calling the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity” error.
  • The Customer said he added this error to the ticket he has with AWS.


  • We are going to research the error while awaiting feedback on the open ticket with AWS.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013430052
  • Cases closed: 5
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#17
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "07/17/2023 Documentation".

· One min read

Work In Progress​


  • Currently the customer is working with his team to implement the appropriate role, policy, and OIDC within the correct AWS account.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013430052
  • Cases closed: 5
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#17
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "07/12/2023 Documentation".

· One min read

Work In Progress​


  • The Customer said he was working on this with his team and would update us on their progress.
  • The Customer also mentioned that there was an open AWS ticket on the S3 signature issue awaiting feedback.
  • Cases open: 1
    • Case TS013430052
  • Cases closed: 5
    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#17
  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "07/12/2023 Documentation".

· One min read

Work In Progress​

  • The team is attempting to use the AWS CLI image to debug S3 connectivity.
  • The team worked on troubleshooting an “No Open IDConnect found” error that occurs when running commands from the AWS CLI image.
  • The Customer created a VPC endpoint for STS and following this implementation that we began experiencing the OIDC error when using the AWS CLI client within the AWS CLI pod.
  • The team checked the EKS cluster and there were OIDC providers listed in the cluster.


  • The Customer said he would add this issue to the AWS ticket for further troubleshooting while we continue to research the error.

  • Cases open: 1

    • Case TS013430052
  • Cases closed: 5

    • case TS012906539
    • case TS013042929
    • case TS012831699
    • case TS012704616
    • case TS012702956
  • ibm-client-engineering/solution-sfg-aws#17

  • This flight log is being submitted via PR "07/12/2023 Documentation".