Event Actions
Slack Connector
Building and Pushing the Image
- Docker
- A Slack account with admin access to a workspace
- Clone the filenet-slack-connector repo
- Download the slack connector image by running: (or follow repo instructions to build the image w/ Docker)
curl -O https://publicimages.s3.us-east.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud/slack-connector-ibm.tar.gz
- For the following steps, refer to Pushing a Docker Image (Amazon) as needed
- Stage the image in your environment. One way to do this is Using docker & aws cli:
docker import /path/to/exampleimage.tgz`
- Retreive an authentication token & authenticate the docker client to your registry
aws ecr get-login-password --region region | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.region.amazonaws.com`
- If you haven't already, create a repository in Amazon ECR:
aws ecr create-repository \
--repository-name my-repository \
--image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true \
--region region
- Tag your image with the Amazon ECR registry
docker tag <local-image-id> aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/my-repository:tag
- Push the image
docker push aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/my-repository:tag
Configure Slack App, Environment Variables
Slack Setup
- Navigate to create a new app
- Once the app is created, open it (click on it) and go to Incoming Webhooks
- Activate incoming webhooks:
- Add one to your workspace:
- Activate incoming webhooks:
- Navigate to OAuth & Permissions
- Copy the Bot User OAuth Token
- Copy the Bot User OAuth Token
- On the same page, add OAuth scopes for incoming-webhook, chat:write and channels:read
- Go to your slack channel and invite the bot to it:
/invite @BOT_NAME
Environment Variables
- The yaml files are found under the k8s folder of your project directory
- secret.yaml
- paste the bot token into SLACK.TOKEN
- ex:
SLACK.TOKEN: "xoxb-..."
- ex:
- Ensure the channel name (SLACK.CHANNEL) matches with what you have in Slack
- paste the bot token into SLACK.TOKEN
- deployment.yaml
- ensure the image points to the image location in ecr:
- name: slack-connector
image: >-
- name: http
containerPort: 8080
protocol: TCP
- ensure the image points to the image location in ecr:
- service.yaml
- ensure the ports section is consistent with deployment.yaml and that all names match
- secret.yaml
- update the configuration by running
kubectl apply -f k8s/<>.yaml
for each of the yaml files - use the updated configuration by deleting the pod
- run
kubectl get pod
and not the slack connector pod name - run
kubectl delete pod <slack-connector-pod-name>
- the pod will be brought back with the newly applied config
- run
Installing Event-Driven External Service Extensinons
- Insall addon 5.5.4 Event-Driven External Service Invocation Extensions
Create Event and Subscription
- From the ACCE Console, select and Object Store and navigate to Events, Actions, Processes -> Event Actions and create a new Event Action
- Give it a name of your choice and under Event Action Type Selection, select Webhook
- Under Webhook Configurations:
- set External Event Receiver URL to be
- ex:
- ex:
- set External Event Receiver Registration Identifier to be any name
- set External Event Receiver URL to be
- Click Finish to Create the new Event
- Under Data Design -> Classes -> Document, click on Actions -> New Class
- Enter any names you would like and proceed through the final screen (click Finish)
- Navigate to Subscriptions (also under Events, Actions, Processes) and create a New Subscription
- Under Select Classes, choose Document for the Class Type and your newly created class for the Class
- For Scope, choose the Applies to all objects of this class
- Under Select the Triggers, select Creation Event and Update Event
- Under Select an Event Action, choose the Event Action you created in the previous step
- Choose default options for the rest and click Finish
- Under Select Classes, choose Document for the Class Type and your newly created class for the Class
Test the App (Trigger Event Action)
- To Trigger the Event Action, Navigate to Browse -> Root Folder & create a new document
- Under Define New Document Objects, be sure to select your newly created subclass for the Class
- Select any other options as you wish and click Finish to create the document
- Under the Root Folder -> Content, select your newly created document
- Click on Properties and modify one of them, for example, Document Title:
- Open your Slack Channel. You should see the bot posting about the triggered Webhook: