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Openshift Diagram

Architecture Decisions

As of this time AWS ROSA is not certified for, but will be in sometime in 2024.

For now we recommend the following:

  • User managed Openshift in AWS
  • Cloud Pak for Data with the following components
    • watsonx assistant
    • Watson Discovery
    • IBM App Connect
    • Watsonx Orchestrate
    • Watson Studio
    • Watson Machine Learning
    • IBM Knowledge Catalog
  • Foundational Models
    • mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v01-q
    • llama-2-70b-chat
    • ibm-granite-chat-v2.1

Bill of Materials

Foundational Model requirements for

One of the following types of GPUs is required to support the use of foundation models in IBM

  • NVIDIA A100 80 GB
  • NVIDIA H100 80 GB
  • NVIDIA L40S 48 GB

Currently this the A100 GPU are available in the P4 flavor ec2 instance in AWS, but you will need the p4de.24xlarge node flavor. This has 80Gb per GPU versus the p4d.24xlarge which has 40Gb per GPU.

The models we have listed other than granite require the 80Gb per GPU A100. The llama-2-70b-chat can be sharded to ue the 40Gb GPUs, but then it will require all 8 GPU and leaving no room for any other models.

AWS Requirements


FlavorCountvCPURAMGPU CountGPU RAMLocal Storage
m5.2xlarge324 (8 cores x Count)96G (32G x Count)00300Gb
m6i.8xlarge6192 (32 cores x Count)768G (128G x Count)00500Gb


  • 1x VPC
  • 3x AZ
  • 1x NLB
  • 1x ALB

Deployment in Action

  • CloudFormation Template

The cloudformation template can be found here

The following is an approximate diagram of how the CloudFormation template operates. It creates the IAM roles, VPC, Users, and a bootnode from which it deploys OCP and Cloud Pak for Data with cloud-pak-deployer.

A variation of the cloudformation template that uses STS for auth can be found here on AWS