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Log 11 ๐Ÿ›ซ

ยท 4 min read


Deploy on self-managed AWS infrastructure for customer software evaluation


  1. Deploy and configuration of boot node to establish a beach-head into the customer AWS environment
    • Complete
  2. Deploy OCP using the documented UPI installation steps
    • In progress
  3. Install Cloud Pak for Data
  4. Deploy and configure on self-managed AWS infrastructure

Today's Accomplishmentsโ€‹


  • Significant progress made in applying the required configurations according to the customer's environment policies
  • Master and Worker nodes responding

Script Attemptsโ€‹

Cleanup Processโ€‹

  • Delete metadata file from "wxai" directory
  • Delete stacks created by
  • Remove install state
  • Ignore first "FATAL" error logged when running

Attempt 1โ€‹

  • Communication Issues
    1. httpd not running on bootnode/bastion due to previous reboot
    • Fix: Enable httpd service on OS. Script change also made to force
    1. Egress rules added to bootnode and master
      • ALL AWS default egress connections needed to be manually configured to vs AWS default value for "all" traffic

Attempt 2โ€‹

  • Running OCP process manually (outside of script)
  • Unable to pull images
    • Incorrectly pulling images from the bastion host, should be local registry
    • Temporary fix: Run ./ /ibm 5000
    • Ignition configuration issue causing error
    • Fix: Add deleting state data to the cleanup process

Attempt 3โ€‹

  • Starting from scratch
  • Running cleanup process
  • Issue found in authentication configuration. The script is improperly configured to more than 1 authentication set
    • This customer deployment requires multiple authentication sets:, RedHat registry, Artifactory. Only one was tested
  • Using workaround by manually adding the pullsecret to the
  • Running
    • Successful
  • Updated LB DNS configurations manually (to be included in code changes, see Attempt 1)
  • Running
  • Stalled - ignitions not firing
    • bootnode and master security group needed IP range (additonal egress configuration issues, added code changes, see Attempt 1)
  • Error
    • Issue with Openshift installer extraction. For this customer case, we are not using local registry
    • Fix: Use general use OpenShift installer from Redhat, which does not assume local registry

Attempt 4โ€‹

  • Running cleanup process
  • Running
  • Updated LB DNS configurations
    • Worker security group needed validIP range (addition to Attempt 1 and Attempt 2 egress issues, added code changes)
      • Replaced IP ranges 0-0 with 0-65535
  • Unable to use OpenShift API (oc command) to view pods due to use of untrusted certificates
    • Testing workaround use "insecure" connection by adding flag --insecure-skip-tls-verify when using oc
    • Example oc get pods -A --insecure-skip-tls-verify
  • Removed worker node external volumes (1tb) from script configuration

Attempt 5โ€‹

  • Retrying using default OpenShift Certificates (bypassing/not creating or using the CA certificate from documentation steps)
    • Updated config and removed certificate configuration
  • Running cleanup process
  • Running
  • Witnessing certificate failures in script output, but continuing install
  • Error: Worker nodes not communicatting
  • Fix/Root Causes
    • Removed IPI artififact from script
    • Removed {registry_url} image content sources from imageContentSources (Airgap) from install
    • Removed fips mode from install

Attempt 6โ€‹

  • Running cleanup process
  • Running additional cleanup steps:
    • Removed .kube
    • unset $KUBCONFIG
    • Delete ignition file
  • Running
  • Worker nodes responding
  • Certificate error resolved
    • Potential root cause(s) (see fixes from Attempt 5)
      • IPI artififacts in script
      • {registry_url} image content sources from imageContentSources (Airgap) from install
      • fips mode from install
  • Errors generated from OpenShift to be tracked in next flight log

Decisions and Action Items (DAI)โ€‹

  • Validate cluster installation state
  • Software evaluation licenses for CP4D and
    • Pending approval process

Next Stepsโ€‹

  • License and configure Cloud Pak for Data
    • Cloud Pak Considerations
      • Security scans needed on container images
      • Customer requires on-prem, offline install
      • Customer uses their own container registry that might introduce extra effort or compatability issues
      • Version compatibility with OpenShift (e.g. 4.10 required and customer has 4.11)
      • Supported storage not available
      • Multiple cloudpaks on the same cluster
      • custom connections to data sources not supported OOTB
      • AWS-specific: IAM users required for install/deploy and are not allowed
      • OpenShift specific: CoreOS requirement for control nodes
      • Automatic updating of Cloud Pak, this can interrupt engagements (solution is to always remove update polling from operators)
  • Deploy