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Log 32 🛫

· 2 min read


Deploy on self-managed AWS infrastructure for customer software evaluation


  1. Deploy and configuration of boot node to establish a beach-head into the customer AWS environment
    • Complete
  2. Deploy OCP using the documented UPI installation steps
    • Complete
  3. Install Cloud Pak for Data
    • Complete
  4. Deploy and configure on self-managed AWS infrastructure on ref environment and document
    • In Progress


  • Attempting proxy reconfiguration for the cluster
    # Customer data redacted
    kubectl get pods -n cpd -o json | jq -r ‘.items[].metadata.labels[“”]’ | sort | uniq
    cpd-cli manage enable-rsi --cpd_instance_ns=${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS}
    cat << EOF >> cpfs-proxy-envs.json
    [ {
    “name”: “HTTP_PROXY”,
    “value”: “”
    }, {
    “name”: “http_proxy”,
    “value”: “”
    }, {
    “name”: “HTTPS_PROXY”,
    “value”: “”
    }, {
    “name”: “https_proxy”,
    “value”: “”
    }, {
    “name”: “NO_PROXY”,
    “value”: “,,,,”
    }, {
    “name”: “no_proxy”,
    “value”: “,,,,”
    } ]
    cpd-cli manage create-rsi-patch \
    --cpd_instance_ns=cpd \
    --patch_name=“cpfs-proxy” \
    --description=“add proxy settings to CPD” \
    --patch_type=rsi_pod_env_var \
    --patch_spec=/tmp/work/rsi/cpfs-proxy-envs.json \
    --spec_format=set-env \
    --select_all_pods=true \
    --include_labels=wa \
    --exclude_labels=app:rsi \
    --skip_apply=false \
    • New configuration requires watsonx Assistant pod reboot, waiting until after further application configurations
    • Continuing to configure NeuralSeek assistant

Decisions and Action Items (DAI)

  • ServiceNow connectivity being investigated
    • Issue with proxy configuration not allowing watsonx Assistant/Orchestrate communication with

Lessons Learned

  • pdf files needed for watson Assistant extensions available to the cluster internally (no external access or configurable access to S3 buckets)
    • Workaround: Hosted pdf files on the bastion httpd server (originally used for the OCP ignition files)

Next Steps

  • Application configuration
    • Prompt Lab
    • watsonx Assistant
    • watsonx Orchestrate
      • ServiceNow skills
      • Microsoft Outlook skills