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Log 28 ๐Ÿ›ซ

ยท 2 min read


Deploy on self-managed AWS infrastructure for customer software evaluation


  1. Deploy and configuration of boot node to establish a beach-head into the customer AWS environment
    • Complete
  2. Deploy OCP using the documented UPI installation steps
    • Complete
  3. Install Cloud Pak for Data
    • Complete
  4. Deploy and configure on self-managed AWS infrastructure on ref environment and document
    • In Progress


  • Continuing to investigate NeuralSeek configuration / CP4D
    • Reset all pods that are used in the CP4D login flow using the following commands:
      oc delete pod -n cpd -l component=ibm-nginx
      oc delete pod -n cpd -l component=usermgmt
      oc delete pod -n cpd -l component=zen-core
      oc delete pod -n cpd -l component=zen-core-api
    • Confirmed metastore-db is also healthy using this command:
      oc get zen-metastore-edb -n cpd
    • Still unable to login and browse CP4D consistently
    • Errors found in usermgmt pods that appear after failed page loads in CP4D
    • Successful use of APIs to query CP4D for a Bearer Token, to list project IDs, and to even generate text from WatsonX
    • Neuralseek was able to query WatsonX, however it couldnt interact with Watson Discovery.
    • Support ticket was opened previously, updated this morning to include screenshots of the error logs found in usermgmt pods. Ticket has been upgraded to Sev1
    • Pods verified
    • Engaging support

Decisions and Action Items (DAI)โ€‹

  • None pending

Lessons Learnedโ€‹

  • None today

Next Stepsโ€‹

  • Application configuration
    • NeuralSeek
    • Prompt Lab
    • watsonx Assistant
    • watsonx Orchestrate
      • ServiceNow skills
      • Microsoft Outlook skills