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Log 13 ๐Ÿ›ซ

ยท One min read


  • Evaluate Watsonx Discovery vs Chromadb for vector store
  • Start ideating & testing sample complete workflows


  1. Successfully configured working Wx Discovery Vector Store with chunking, embeddings and ELSER semantic search
  2. Connected this KB in WXD to Watsonx Assistant
  3. Developed method to parse & detect RAG responses that give step by step instructions, which can be used to create guided workflows

Lessons learnedโ€‹

  • Wx Discovery seems to have more accurate chunk retrieval than Chromadb
  • Wx Discovery out-of-the box chatbot answers are also better
  • Config is simple and can be done in an hour with prewritten code by just passing in credentials

Next Stepsโ€‹

  • Continue building guided conversations & enable them to conduct operations autonomously