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Log 18 ๐Ÿ›ซ

ยท 2 min read


Deploy on self-managed AWS infrastructure for customer software evaluation


  1. Deploy and configuration of boot node to establish a beach-head into the customer AWS environment
    • Complete
  2. Deploy OCP using the documented UPI installation steps
    • Complete
  3. Install Cloud Pak for Data
    • In Progress
  4. Deploy and configure on self-managed AWS infrastructure

Today's Acomplishmentsโ€‹

  • CP4D Final Preparations
    • Added options to the CPD VARS file
    • Recreation of work dir


  • Trobuleshooting the CP4D CLI
  • Awaiting entitlement key approval

Decisions and Action Items (DAI)โ€‹

  • Software evaluation awaiting customer's approval process. This blocks our ability to download software from
    • Customer to provide by EOD Monday

Lesons Learnedโ€‹

  • Preparation for Cloud Pak for Data on OpenShift sizing needed to be adjusted to reflect an under-provisioning of CPU resources


  • Start building guided workflows
  • Attempt to improve parsing of unstructured tables with WDU (Watson Document Understanding)


  1. Designed some guided workflow concept ideas
  2. Coded flask app to expose an API to send emails to users from the Watsonx Assistant
  3. Table parsing with WDU sucesfully configured

Next Stepsโ€‹

  • Integrate agent based workflows into guided workflows (langchain agents)
  • Investigate if its possible to improve table parsing
  • License and configure Cloud Pak for Data
    • Cloud Pak Considerations
      • Security scans needed on container images
      • Customer requires on-prem, offline install
      • Customer uses their own container registry that might introduce extra effort or compatability issues
      • Version compatibility with OpenShift (e.g. 4.10 required and customer has 4.11)
      • Supported storage not available
      • Multiple cloudpaks on the same cluster
      • custom connections to data sources not supported OOTB
      • AWS-specific: IAM users required for install/deploy and are not allowed
      • OpenShift specific: CoreOS requirement for control nodes
      • Automatic updating of Cloud Pak, this can interrupt engagements (solution is to always remove update polling from operators)
  • Deploy
  • Application configurations
  • Application validations